Innovation: A Competitive Advantage

Dr. Alfredo Anthony “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.” Steve Jobs I decided to upload this blog after reflecting upon one of my employment experiences as a deputy program manager for a medium-sized federal government contracting company.  This moment…

Competitive Advantage

Dr. Alfredo Anthony Introduction Christensen, Johnson, and Rigby (2002) suggest that a preponderance of managers comprehend the importance of developing new markets required to maintain sustained growth and remain ahead of their competition.  However, few abide by that premise during times of prosperity. While core business units are flourishing and profit margins are increasing robustly,…


By Dr. Alfredo Anthony Corporations operate and thrive in extremely competitive market spaces; to achieve their business (profits) and intangible (e.g., reputation and market position) goals, they have to compete with other businesses in their market space.  The literature addressing competitive advance is voluminous and rife with different approaches to achieve the “holy grail” by…

Strategic Vision at Bank of America

By Dr. Alfredo Anthony According to Collins and Rukstad (2008), a small percentage of executives can articulate the company’s strategy in 35 words or less; that was not the case with Bank of America Corporation’s (BAC) former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kenneth Lewis.  He was one of several BAC CEOs who understood the importance of…

Can Strategic Thinking be Developed?

By Dr. Alfredo Anthony There are several instances in which we hear that leaders need to think strategically.  But, what does that statement mean?  Goldman, Cahill, & Filho (2009) conveyed that the ability to think strategically is an element recognized as a key leader ability.  The concept is usually applied to leaders but does not negate the…

Sustainability As a Competitive Edge in Cities

By Dr. Alfredo Anthony Sustainability has developed into a significant concern for businesses in today’s global competitive environment.  Organizations endeavor to include sustainability into their business strategies by espousing and implementing actions that properly align with the objectives of businesses and stakeholders while protecting and improving the human, social and natural resources that future generations will need.…

A Case for Strategic Planning

By Dr. Alfredo Anthony As an Army Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet at the University of Central Florida, my instructors stressed a time-tested adage of the U.S. Army, “The more sweat in training, the less blood in war.”  That maxim is not only applicable to the military; organizations can also apply the same logic to…

A Brief Overview of Strategy

By Dr. Alfredo Anthony What is strategy?  Shivakumar (2014) argued that the word strategy is one of the most frequently used words in the business vocabulary, but even most experts cannot agree on a definition.  Improperly differentiating strategic decisions with non-strategic decisions can be catastrophic to businesses.  Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, and Strickland (2013) defined strategy…